strontium isotope strontium
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Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) mapping: A critical review of methods and ...
2021年5月1日 Strontium has four naturally occurring isotopes: 88 Sr, 87 Sr, 86 Sr, and 84 Sr. 87 Sr is formed as the radiogenic daughter isotope of 87 Rb (rubidium); the decay of 87 Rb
MoreIsotopes of Strontium: Properties and Applications
2019年6月5日 The chapter gives an overview of properties and application of stable and radioactive isotopes of strontium. Natural strontium consists of the following four stable
MoreThe first large-scale bioavailable Sr isotope map of China and its ...
2020年11月1日 Strontium isotope ratio (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) has been widely used to trace human migrations across geologically distinct landscapes in archaeological and forensic sciences. 87
MoreStrontium Isotopes - List and Properties - ChemLin
All atomic nuclei of the chemical element strontium are summarized under strontium isotopes; these all consist of an atomic nucleus with 38 protons and, in the uncharged state, 38
MoreStrontium Isotopes - SpringerLink
2018年1月1日 Strontium (Sr) isotopes are widely applied tracers in geoscientific applications. One of the four stable isotopes (87 Sr) is subject to long-term radiogenic ingrowth by
MoreIsotopes of strontium
Isotopes of strontium. The alkali earth metal Strontium (Sr) has four stable, naturally occurring isotopes: 84 Sr (0.56%), 86 Sr (9.86%), 87 Sr (7.0%) and 88 Sr (82.58%). Only 87 Sr is
MoreGeochemical behavior of stable strontium isotopes during
2024年5月1日 Stable Sr isotope (δ 88/86 Sr) is a novel non-traditional stable isotope. It has been widely discussed in tracing continental weathering, studying marine Sr cycle, and
MoreStrontium Isotopes in Biological Material: A Key Tool
2017年10月28日 The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio of any geological material (i.e. minerals and rocks) on Earth depends on its time integrated 87 Rb/ 86 Sr ratio and thus it is related to three main parameters: (1) the initial radiogenic isotopic
MoreStrontium Isotope Stratigraphy - ScienceDirect
2020年1月1日 Strontium isotope (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) stratigraphy of Ordovician bulk carbonate: implications for preservation of primary seawater values
MoreGeochemical behavior of stable strontium isotopes during
2024年5月1日 Strontium (Sr), the most abundant trace element in rocks, soil, water, and organisms, is an alkaline earth metal with an atomic number of 38. Its geochemical properties are similar to those of Calcium (Ca) which is often replaced in the form of isomorphism (Pathak and Gupta, 2019).Thus, Sr is dominantly enriched in minerals such as plagioclase, apatite, and
MoreStrontium Isotope Stratigraphy - ScienceDirect
2020年1月1日 Strontium isotope (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) stratigraphy of Ordovician bulk carbonate: implications for preservation of primary seawater values. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 127 (9/10) (2015), pp. 1275-1289. View in Scopus Google Scholar. El Meknassi et al., 2018.
MoreStrontium isotope analysis using laser-induced breakdown
2022年6月1日 Strontium is one of the widely utilized elements for industrial and academic usage due to its unique mechanical and chemical characteristics [[24], [25], [26]].Particularly, the ratio of strontium isotopes could be a geological indicator to determine the origin of natural ore because it may vary according to the origin by the decay of 87 Rb (t 1/2 = 4.9 × 10 10 y) [27].
MoreStrontium Isotope Geology - SpringerLink
Since the end of World War II isotope geology has grown into a diversi fied and complex discipline in the earth sciences. It has progressed by the efforts of a relatively small number of specialists, many of whom are physi cists, chemists, or mathematicians who were attracted to the earth sciences by the opportunity to measure and to interpret the isotopic compositions of
MoreStrontium isotopes as tracers of ecosystem processes: theory
1998年2月1日 The strontium isotope ratios of terrestrial herbivores reflect the isotopic composition of labile Sr taken up by plants eaten by the herbivores. In many cases, this is similar to bedrock values. Both freshwater fish and vertebrates from central Sweden have high 87 Sr/ 86 Sr
MoreStrontium Isotopes - SpringerLink
2023年9月2日 In archaeology, strontium isotope studies are primarily applied to human teeth to identify immigrants and study human mobility. The method has also been used in attempts to determine the provenance of other materials such as wooden beams, maize, wool, glass, and pottery; these exercises have achieved varying degrees of success depending upon the
MoreStrontium Isotopes Geochemistry Overview - Isobar Science
The element strontium has four naturally occurring isotopes: 84 Sr, 86 Sr, 87 Sr, and 88 Sr. Only 87 Sr is radiogenic – produced by the β-decay of 87 Rb with a half-life of 48.8 billion years. The most abundant strontium isotope is 88 Sr, making up approximately 83% of naturally occurring strontium; followed by 10% 86 Sr, 7% 87 Sr and 1% 84 Sr. In geologic and environmental
MoreThe first large-scale bioavailable Sr isotope map of China and its ...
2020年11月1日 Strontium isotope ratio (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) has been widely used to trace human migrations across geologically distinct landscapes in archaeological and forensic sciences.87 Sr/ 86 Sr-based provenance studies require a detailed strontium reference map to make valid interpretations of mobility patterns for a given region. In this study, we first review the previous
MoreStrontium – Wikipedia
Da Strontium chemisch dem Calcium sehr ähnlich ist, wird es in Knochen „eingebaut“ und hat daher eine hohe biologische Halbwertszeit – dies ist sowohl Basis der gezielten Nutzung radioaktiver Isotope von Strontium in der Krebstherapie als auch Basis der Schädlichkeit radioaktiver Strontiumisotope für gesunde Menschen.
MoreStrontium Isotopes in Biological Material: A Key Tool for the ...
2017年10月28日 Beard BL, Johnson CM (2000) Strontium isotope composition of skeletal material can determine the birth place and geographic mobility of humans and animals. J Forensic Sci 45:1049–1061. Article CAS Google Scholar Bentley RA (2006) Strontium isotopes from the earth to the archaeological skeleton: a review.
MoreAdvances in global bioavailable strontium isoscapes
2020年10月1日 Strontium isotope ratios (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) are a popular tool in provenance applications in archeology, forensics, paleoecology, and environmental sciences.Using bioavailable 87 Sr/ 86 Sr in provenance studies requires comparing the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr of a sample of interest to that of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr baselines. Historically, these baselines required building
MoreSeawater carbon and strontium isotope variations through the
2020年8月1日 Fig. 7 shows the carbonate C isotope evolution curve from the Keping region and our proposed C isotope stratigraphic correlation with the reported composite carbonate C isotope evolution curves of South China from the late Ediacaran (Jiang et al., 2007), across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition (Li et al., 2013), and through the Cambrian Series 2 to Series 3
MoreStrontium-86 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Name of the isotope: Strontium-86; Sr-86 Symbol: 86 Sr or 86 38 Sr Mass number A: 86 (= number of nucleons) Atomic number Z: 38 (= number of protons) Neutrons N: 48 Isotopic mass: 85.909261(8) u (atomic weight of Strontium-86) Nuclide mass: 85.8884158 u (calculated nuclear mass without electrons) Mass excess:-84.52283 MeV Mass defect: 0.804006184 u (per
MoreOn the road again a review of pretreatment methods for the ...
Keywords Strontium isotope Strontium concentration Prehistoric migration Pretreatment Diet Diagenesis Introduction Strontium isotopes are widely used in archeology to answer questions regarding human mobility patterns. This informa-tion helps reconstruct interactions between groups and the
MoreStrontium Isotope as Tracers of Groundwater Contamination
2017年1月1日 The use of isotope analyses, as 3H, δ11B and δ13C, are often applied to identify sources of contamination1-3. Strontium isotope can be used as geochemical and environmental tracers. Several authors4 showed that strontium isotopic analysis could be used to investigate surface and groundwater or leachate contaminated groundwater.
MoreStrontium isotopic compositions of Cambrian (Upper Miaolingian ...
2019年11月1日 The strontium isotope analyses were performed on a Finnigan MAT-262 multi-collector thermal-ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS). The standard reference sample NBS-987 was used for quality control and the measured value of the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio was 0.710241 ± 0.000007 (n = 10). 4.
MoreSpatial variation of strontium isotopes - ScienceDirect
2004年5月1日 Strontium isotope ratios (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) in human bones and teeth have become a useful tool to study migration and sedentism of individuals from archaeological contexts.Here we analyzed 87 Sr/ 86 Sr of water, bedrock, soils, and plants across a broad geographic region to test the potential of this method in the ancient Maya area. Our aims were two-fold: first to test
MoreStrontium Isotope Analysis « Center for Applied Isotope Studies
Strontium isotopic ratios are widely used as tracers in geological processes and as indicators of provenance in an archaeological context. A significant fraction of the Earth’s 87 Sr is not primordial, but is produced by the decay of 87 Rb. Geochemically, Strontium follows Calcium, while Rubidium follows Potassium; thus, the geological variability of Sr isotope ratios in rocks
MoreStrontium isotope geochemistry of alluvial groundwater: a
Abstract. This study presents strontium isotope and major ion data of shallow groundwater and river water from the Ile du Chambon catchment, located on the Allier river in the Massif Central (France). There are large variations in the major-element contents in the surface- and groundwater. Plotting of Na vs. Cl contents and Ca, Mg, NO3, K, SO4, HCO3, Sr
MoreStrontium isotope analysis on the migration of ancient Qin
2024年10月1日 Strontium isotope ratios found within local individuals reflect the biologically available strontium from their local environment, which is influenced not only by the geological bedrock but also by other factors such as differential erosion and the transport of strontium from outside the region.
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